Week 1: The week of April 2nD

Introduction to the grid:

Welcome back!

We'll start the morning looking at your 7 days of type spring break homework. No need to print out the type combinations, we'll be looking at them on your computer screens.


Introduction to grid types: we'll learn methods for making grids in Indesign and then practice using grids in class.


Homework: Experimenting with a multi-column grid

The goal of this assignment will be to experiment with multi-column grids in order to design a 15" x 20" poster influenced by the International Typographic Style.

Part 1: Research
Work with your quad mates (optional) to research and examine designs from the International Typographic Style (also known as Swiss Style). Find out the time era this style was popular and some of the designers who worked in this style. Obtain 5–10 images from this period in history that particularly interests you. Based on what you’ve observed, what are the key visual components to this design movement?
After your research is done you will be designing on your own (not as a group).

Part 2: Digitally "Sketch"
Choose ONLY ONE extended typeface family and create 5 typographic digital sketches which explore position, alignments, grouping and hierarchy on a columnar grid. Choose your favorite digital sketch and create a rough comp for your poster.
Bring all of your digital sketches and your rough comp on your laptop (or jump drive) to class next week.

What will be due the week of April 16th:

A print out of your 15” x 20” poster and a composite PDF which includes the following:

• A paragraph or two about the key visual components of what inspires you most about the International Typographic Style (Swiss Style). Show a couple of sample images to illustrate what you mean.

• 5 unique sketches (1 sketch per page) that works with alignments, groupings, creating simple hierarchies, and allows for negative space.

* (OPTIONAL: Add snapshots of some of your design iterations as you worked towards your final design to show how your design progressed.)

• Your final design

• Your final design with the underlying grid structure visible

**********************Bring your Elam, Grid Systems book next week.*********************

Files for Project 1:

Choose one of the 3 given topics and choose only one of the logos for your chosen client.
Project 1

Required Reading:

Types of Grids (pdf)
Grid Layout Restraint (pdf)

Sites to help Jumpstart your Research:

Design is History
History of Graphic Design

Lessons from Swiss Style Graphic Design

Swiss Typographic Style History

Swiss style color picker

Fonts in Use


"How To" Files:

Creating InDesign Grid Thumbnails (pdf)
Chapter 1: Under Document Essentials >> Determining the Number of Columns, Sketching Thumbnails, and Blocking out areas of content

Chapter 3: Under Creating a Document >> Only Setting the Margin and Column Guides

Chapter 4: Under Managing Pages >> Only Changing Page Size

079 Using ruler guides: 10 great tricks (Lynda.com)

Grids without using columns and guides


Look at these sites:

The 3 x 4 Grid
The Grid System

Explorations in Typography

Ellen Lupton: Types of Grids (from Thinking with Type book)

Introduction to Grids for screen media
Introduction to Grids: 7 basic tips

960 Grid System